- BRAVƎ partners will meet to share project progress and to specify the following objectives in the BioVAD creation
- The meeting will take place at the University of Navarra (Pamplona- Spain)
November 2021. The BRAVƎ project is holding its Annual Meeting 2021 this Tuesday and Wednesday, November 23th and 24th. After a first year marked by the pandemia, this second call will be an in-person meeting. On this occasion, the partners will share the latest progress of the project. They will also specify the following objectives in the creation of BioVAD.
The meeting will take place at the Museum of the Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona – Spain). During the conference, all work package leaders will present the evolution of their teamwork in the project development during the last 18 months.
Specifically, the first afternoon will consist of two sessions. In the first one, the project coordinators, Universidad de Navarra representatives, will summarize the latest achievements of the project and will present an update of the management, dissemination, and communication actions. The next session will be focused on innovation and technological and engineering development, led by Leartiker, in collaboration with Ebers and BSL (WP5).
The following day will consist of three blocks focused on the research of the other working groups. The first one will be dedicated to 3D exploitation and printing, a task entrusted to PNO INN (WP9) and UKW (WP3). This block will be followed by another session focused on Biovad design, led by TU/e together with UNIZAR (WP2), and in vivo evaluation by the KUL and SERMAS group (WP7).
The last block will be reserved for the IBEC group (WP4) and iBET (WP6) to share their advances in cardiac cell generation and BioVAD.
At the end of the meeting, Dr. Felipe Prosper (University of Navarra), coordinator of the project, will summarize the main milestones achieved and specify the following objectives.